

Have been so preoccupied with grinding that I haven't updated the blog. Sorry about that.

I made a lot of adjustments to my game in Jan. and I've still got a bit of work to do before I feel ready to stop doing near daily review.

As far as volume goes, January was actually pretty good. I started off slow and then I was doing the whole 6 tabling thing for a week. In the end I've put in 115 hours in HEM, which is above my goals. I also played 1,780 games, less than I had hoped to start the month but actually pretty good considering how things went.

Results are quite sub-par. Not as bad as they could be but definitely not as good as I can expect on average.

January 2013 results
Just about $6,300.

Truth be told I know January is one of the worst month for an online poker grinder. Every other grinder is super motivated and a little too eager to be in every game. I expect the months to get progressively softer until right about the 4th quarter of the year so hopefully I can post better results in the next months to come.

I am proud of myself for the hours I put in this month and it should serve as a reminder that even when things don't go so great the volume will help overcome. As long as I can put in the volume I will get results.

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